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Tapi ini buat left-hand drive, jadi puter aja instructions nya.
George Platzer, a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers and a consultant who holds several patents on mirror design, has developed a simple rearview mirror-adjustment system that eliminates blind spots and gives drivers 20-20 hindsight.
Rotate your mirrors about seven degrees outward to cover the field of view normally missed, i.e., your blind spot. "Most people's side mirrors are aimed back along the flanks of their cars," Platzer says, "but much of the area seen in the outside mirror is already covered by your inside rearview mirror. You might as well point those side mirrors out where they can do some good."
Platzer's process:
* Sitting in the driver's seat, lean to your left until your head just touches the side window.
* With your head at this point, adjust your left side mirror so the edge of your fender is barely visible on the inside edge of the mirror.
* Now move or lean right with your head at the car's centerline and make the same adjustment to the right mirror. Your three mirrors will now offer a panoramic view of the area behind and to the sides of your car.
Here's how the system works in traffic. The inside mirror is your primary mirror. It shows you everything except the blind zone. The outside mirrors show you only the blind zones. When changing lanes, first look in the inside mirror to observe traffic to the rear. Then look in the outside mirror to see if there's a car in the blind zone.
A car passing from behind will first appear in your center rearview mirror. Before it leaves that mirror, it will appear in the side mirror, and as it passes from the side mirror's view, it will appear in your peripheral vision.
The only downside to Platzer's method is a loss of visual reference to your own vehicle: the fender edge you were used to seeing is now gone. But you'll soon adapt to the new position, as traffic behind you flows from your center mirror to your side mirrors (or vice versa if you're doing the passing).
The end result of Platzer's mirror-adjustment method is almost unbroken visibility behind and to the sides of your car.
Continually scanning what's ahead and behind will keep you visually and mentally on top of the situation.
Setuju Om,
setelan spion samping memang harus maksimal, jgn setelannya malah banyakan liat body samping mobil kita sendiri.
trus biasakan sebelum pindah jalur juga untuk melihat spion tengah. karena kita juga harus waspada jika ada mobil yang sedang zigzag ingin mengambil jalur yang ingin kita tuju.
Failure is just another stepping stone to success.
buatandi wrote:pake kaca kecil yang cembung membantu bgt tu kalo kaca spion ny kecil model kotak
pengalaman ane sih malah gak terlalu bantu kalo mobil lagi berjalan dengan kecepatan sedang. soalnya spion kecil yang cembung itu objeknya malah kecil.
ane malah lebih suka kaca spion dalam yang lebar tapi cembung.. lumayan ngebantu mengurangi blindspot...
thanks untuk sharingnya..
Dark Brownies with Cappuccino
Red and Gold
Lime Green
kalo menurut ane spion kecil itu emang membantu bgt, dan ane kalo liat spion kecil itu selalu hanya patokan apakah ada mobil di samping atau tidak, dan bukan buat ngeliat jarak.
ane juga selalu posisikan kaca spion sampai posisi mobil kita terlihat hanya sedikit saja.
apalagi kalo 300E/w124..kaca spion kanan blindspotnya banyak..mending nengok deh biar pasti...
kalo di 300TE spion tengah ada dua susun, jadi bisa disusun liat pojok kanan dan kiri belakang
Mmmm... berarti settingan mirror gw selama ini kurang maksimal ya. Selama ini kalu mau ganti jalur, sering tengok kiri/kanan untung memastikan jalur kosong. Kalu cara yg ini berarti ga begitu perlu sering2 tengok2 kiri/kanan dulu ya...
Tapi setelan begitu (ga keliatan bodi samping mobil) kadang ngerepotin kalo pas lagi parkir di tempat yg pas2an.....kalo ane lebih demen masih keliatan bodi samping dikit.....
Hmmm.....baru nyadar ternyata parking camera helpfull juga yah....padahal selama ini ane lebih percaya sama kaca spion n nengok ke belakang kalo lagi parkir.....
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mandala1 wrote:Hmmm.....baru nyadar ternyata parking camera helpfull juga yah....padahal selama ini ane lebih percaya sama kaca spion n nengok ke belakang kalo lagi parkir.....
meneer, gambar yg dikiri itu penampakan dari atas secara vertikal ya? gimana cara pengambilan gambarnya tuh?
btw...tulisannya pake huruf pagar ya ? ga bingung bacanya tuh?
si vis pacem para bellum - si vis bellum para pacem - si vis pacem para pactum
de gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum
listening before talking - reading before writing - doing before asking
Yg sebelah kiri meneer? Itu gambar aktif dari 4 kamera, depan, samping kiri kanan n blk....jadinya keliatannya seperti kayak dari atas gitu....hehehe.....
Kalo yg sebelah kanan bisa dipilih optionnya mau belakang atau samping kiri saja.......
Ho'oh tulisannya hurup jawa semua....cuma dingerti2in sendiri aja deh.....
Ini gambar dari deketnya :
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mandala1 wrote:Yg sebelah kiri meneer? Itu gambar aktif dari 4 kamera, depan, samping kiri kanan n blk....jadinya keliatannya seperti kayak dari atas gitu....hehehe.....
Kalo yg sebelah kanan bisa dipilih optionnya mau belakang atau samping kiri saja.......
Ho'oh tulisannya hurup jawa semua....cuma dingerti2in sendiri aja deh.....
Ini gambar dari deketnya :
jadi semacam proyeksi virtual gitu yah..
si vis pacem para bellum - si vis bellum para pacem - si vis pacem para pactum
de gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum
listening before talking - reading before writing - doing before asking
wekekeke.......di zoom sih kaga bisa wan tapi kalo buat motret bisa,, lagian kalo di lamer ngidupin kamera begitu jadi parno sendiri....risih bener keliatannya motor pada memet2 banget semua.....
mandala1 wrote:wekekeke.......di zoom sih kaga bisa wan tapi kalo buat motret bisa,, lagian kalo di lamer ngidupin kamera begitu jadi parno sendiri....risih bener keliatannya motor pada memet2 banget semua.....
memet2 itu artinye apa dal......... mungkin maksudnya mepet2 ya.................... ato klo dlm bhs jermannya itu bearti 'deket2'.... tul ga....... ...........