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Post by DriFtHiNkiNg »

Aq coba sedikit jelasin tentang teori teknik2 drift, mohon bagi yang lebih tau tentang drift bisa menambahkan klo ad yang salah...

1. HANDBRAKE DRIFT difficulty level : LOW
Teknik pake rem tangan ga' susah, kaya' di film FFTD "just use your hand brake" khe2. Biasanya orang yang pake' teknik ini, pedal handbrake mobil standart diganti, biar kalo ditarik ga' ngunci. Caranya injek kopling, belokin stir, tarik handbrake saat deselerasi bwat ngilangin traksi roda blakang dari jalan, kalo bokong mobil dah ngerasa nggeser lepas handbrake, lepas kopling+injek en atur gas but jangan lupa bwat counter steer biar seimbang en ga' spin. Kekurangan dari handbrake drift biasanya speed langsung drop.

2. POWER OVER DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM LOW
Intinya mobil yang dipake harus punya torsi yang gede biar traksi roda blakang bisa pecah. Saat belok, tinggal injek pedal gas dalem2. kalo mang mobilnya kuat, pasti ngeslide. Nah klo udah ngeslide tinggal atur gas ama counter steer aj.

3. KANSEI DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM LOW
Kata lainnya accel off drift, saat lagi kenceng2nya mobil belok tiba2 mengangkat kaki dari pedal gas. Hal itu bikin distribusi bobot mobil pindah kedepan dan otomatis bikin bokong mobil nggeser, saat itu kembali ijek+atur gas en counter steer biar seimbang en ga' spin. sebenernya ini teknik dasar banget biar drifter bisa ngerasa'in gimana cara ngendali'in mobil, gimana cara memindahkan beban en biasanya dilakuin di tikungan yang ga' begitu tajem.

4. BRAKING DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM
Kalo udah biasa kansai, drifter biasanya beralih ke braking drift. Saat belok selain dekelerasi, dengan nginjek pedal ram dalem2 distribusi bobot pindah kedepan otomatis traksi ban blakang ilang, tinggal atur gas ama couter steer. Biasanya braking drift dipake' kalo belokan aga' tajem.

5. FEINT DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM
Nah, ini njelasinnya aga' repot, feint biasanya teknik yang dipake para perelly. Feint drift kaya' efek pendulum, jadi bawa mobil kearah berlawanan dari tikungan, trus tiba2 balik ke arah tikungan. Kalo dibayangin, kaya' mbuang bokong mobil biar ngeslide. Sisanya tinggal atur gas ama counter steer.

6. CLUTCH KICK difficulty level : MEDIUM HIGH
Teknik ini digunakan untuk memicu drift tanpa mengurangi kecepatan. Caranya saat belok injak kopling sambil full throttle en revving mesin, baru lepas kopling. Proses harus dilakukan sekedip mata agar mesin ga' over-rev. Yup! teknik ini berpotensi untuk ngerusak sistem drive train mobil, terutama kopling. teknik ini dipakai harus dengan penggantian kopling kompetisi.

7. SHIFT LOCK DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM HIGH
Hampir sama ama cluth kick, hanya bedanya drifter memindah gigi lebih rendah untuk menurunkan rpm lalu lepas kopling untuk melambatkan roda blakang agar oversteer. Sama ama cluth kick, teknik ini berpotensi untuk ngerusak sistem drive train mobil. Untuk shift lock yang rawan jebol gearboxnya.

8. MANJI DRIFT difficulty level : HIGH
Wuh! ini dia teknik ekstreem drift. Manji sendiri diambil dari simbol religius yang dikenal sebagai "reverse swastika", karena mobil bagaikan pena diatas aspal. Dijalan lurus bagian blakang mobil dibuat bergoyang2 ke kanan dan kekiri, oversteer perlahan dari sisi ke sisi yang lain dengan perpaduan pengaturan gas+counter steering. teknik ini meninggalkan jejak zigzag di aspal sebelum akhirnya masuk ke tikungan.

Buat drifter profesional, teknik2 yang ada mereka kombinasi'in. Kaya' MANJI+FEINT+CLUTH KICK, ato HANDBRAKE+SHIFT LOCK, dan laen2 sesuai kebutuhan speed en tikungan yang mao diambil.


YAK! begitulah beberapa teknik2 drift yang aq ketahui. Semua yang aq tulis hanyalah teori, prakteknya??? hmmm... sulit sekali!!! butuh kecepatan yang tinggi dan nyali, bikin jantung deg2an saat bokong mobil nggeser... Yaaa Haaa...

bagi yang mao nambahin silahkan, atau share tentang pengalaman ngedrift...

Sori kalo ad yang salah, thanx bro...
Last edited by DriFtHiNkiNg on Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by blindzero »

dulu sih pernah coba coba.... begitu gas diteken terus, lalu banting stir ke arah yang dituju sambil nge-rem dikit supaya mobilnya bisa kearah sana lalu digas penuh.

Tapi proses itu sambil mindahin turun 1 gigi lalu kalau udah aga lurus langsung naikin 1gigi lagi sambil gas penuh.

hasilnya bisa belok sambil ngepot mirip pilem-pilem. Tapi habis gitu ban ban jadi terasa ga bener.... kayak goyang getar getar gitu
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Post by Mike »

Weleh, dipindah dimari...
terpaksa postingan gw yg disono di pindahin mari juga

Mike wrote:@DriFtHiNkiNg,

Mantep Bro penjelasannya....
saya jadi paham skrg, saya awalnya mengira pake HandBrake
gak termasuk Drift tapi masuk ke buat Slalom.

Saya ngertinya selama ini, nge-Drift itu pake Power (yg nomer 2),
dan harus mobil rear wheel drive.

Makanya, Nissan 240sx, paling digemari para drifter di seluruh dunia....
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Post by DriFtHiNkiNg »

selama ini pengalaman driftku pake' mobil pinjeman semua yg penggerak roda belakang, soalnya mobilku dewe mitsubishi gallant V6 '94 penggerak roda depan, hiks sedih... sekarang lagie hunting cefiro...

biasanya nyuba' drift di parkiran atas delta plaza, speed yang didapet si rendah, tapi karena mobil yang dipake mazda vantred, bokongnya jadi gampang nggeser... tapi takut kena tembok, trus ngijoli, khe2...

pernah sekali nyoba' pake' panther 2002, muter di bunderan kertajaya, mumpung sepi, pake' shift lock, eh... ternyata biar panther gedenya segitu bisa dibuat drift juga... biarpun bokongnya ga' mbuang, cuma gigi duanya bisa bikin roda spin... wakakakak...

di ciputra jalan S setelah unesa, ama jalanan sepi deket ciputra waterpark yang ad petujuk "menuju mayjen sungkono" pake' mobil sidekick ceper punya temen... hmmm, ternyata enak juga... cuma waktu ngedrift mobilnya manggut2... khahaha... mungkin suspensionnya terlalu soft...

pake' mobil sidekick ceper lagi di jembatan mertusi daerah kedung baruk deket stikom... u turnnya hmmm, menikung kebawah... lumayan laaah, cuma speednya ga' dapet, dapet asep ban doang...

malem-malem iseng bikin donut di kodam brawijaya deket balai kartika pake' mobil toyota crown jaman dahoeloe... wakakakak, untung aj ga' di tembak di tempat...

tapi tempat yang paling sering aq datengin di ciputra, enak banget ada bunderan gedeee, jalannya juga luaaas, resiko nabrak juga kecil soalnya jarang ada mobil... itupun kalo ada mobil yang bisa diembat bannya, wakakakak...
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Post by mazonka »

wah tanya sama takumi neh kalo urusan drift
kalo ga salah pernah juara di jkt
Std abis

bantu sodara jual tanah, ayo dicek ayo dicek
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Post by Yongis_CD »

mau video Drift Bible?...silahkan email gw...

gw di daerah kuningan Jkt.............

oh ya ada ada video2 best motoring laenya

video format DivX,

Gratis!! bawa hardisk ajah........CD? gak bisa bakar CD di tempat gw.......
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Post by StRaDe_Jazz »

T.T FF susah ng-driftnya
yg gue lakukan slm ini cuman belak belok kayak uler sambil understeer, roda tetep lurus
DK-san, itu bisa disebut drift gk sih?
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Post by Takumi »

Yang paling susah itu cuman pas Di Praktek lagi..
kalo di Teori semua orang udah pinter / jago..
cuman pas Praktek nya yang ada "Panik" dan "merasa Takut karena kecepatanya cukup kencang"
sama aja boong.

karena Drifting itu ga maen2.. ga segampang di filem2 gitu.. (Kalo lu nonton Tokyo Drift .. ok lah adegan yang real nya cuman 40% sisanya effek , jadi lupain.. lebih baik beli Tuh dvd orisinil/ bajak FF tokyo drift yang ada extra features dan lu tonton tuh.., dijelasin effeknya, dan yang drift2 beneran di peranin oleh drift king aslinya "Keiichi Tsuchiya" )

karena Drift itu Titik kritis mobil dari saat oversteer..
dimana elo gak bisa ngatur2 lagi kalo ga ada persiapan kemana2 ,dan berakhibat fatal..

makanya sebaiknya drift di tempat yang aman , lapangan parkir luas ga ada halangan .. /sirkuit , jgn di jalan raya.. mengingat kondisi jalan di indo ga ada bagus2nya dan jalurnya sempit.. .., yang professional pun bisa ngelakuin kesalahan.. pa lagi kita yang baru belajar..
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Post by StRaDe_Jazz »

bro, tokyo drift hampir semuanya beneran, 80% namun slow motion bahkan si sean(red evo) itu ada section di mana dia ng-drift sendiri... mobilnya aja uda dimodif gitu keren, kan si sutradara juga sayang kalau effect semua.
btw di parkiran juga susah nyari yg luas, gimana kalo mlm2 lagi ng-drift trus di-grebek kan gak lucu...
jadi dibikinnya trek buat ng-drift gue setuju banget lah
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Post by Takumi »

Strade_jazz: bro udah nonton Special Features nya blun?..
nonton deh , di situ di jelasin makingnya.., latihan mereka buat drift..
dan ternyata banyakan di "green background" dan mobilnya cuman setengah gitu kaya naek Jet Couster "kata si sean"
yang paling real pas adegan di jepang beneranya cuman pas si sean latihan di gunung itu sama hans .. , tapi itu yang nyetir si stunt sama Si "Drift King asli" keiichi Tsuchiya..
Si keiichi ngasih ide gimana2 yang duet drift dan di lakuin, sampe si sutradaranya ngomong "gila dia bener2 dewa.., sangat hebat, very2 amazing"

sisanya dah males de ternyata di Hollywood semua..
coba deh bro nonton bliang aja Beli dvd FF Tokyo drift yang dual layer yg ada Special Features nya ,di tukang2 dvd.. ga nyesel de .. kerenan MAking nya dari pada filem nya gw bilang hehe..

tapi enak di sono latihanya di track NASCAR, kan oval , tapi tengahnya Kosong dan Aspal semua..
kalo di sini beh.. males banget..

gw ama anak2 balap (rally en turing) biasanya latihan drift2 gitu di Cempaka putuh di Parkiran Goro..
cuman gw masih sayang ban sih.. cukup mahal.. hehe
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Post by Yongis_CD »

hehehe setuju banged, makanya gw gak bosen2 nonton pelemnya si keichi "drift bible"..........

serius latihan drift berarti serius bolak balik ke toko ban huehehehehe...,

parkiran goro?...sering liat mobi tangki pertamina keluar masuk disitu dong?.............tu mobil pada nebeng parkir di parkiran belakang goro..........
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Post by StRaDe_Jazz »

gue ampe nyari dvd asli tokyo drift di malaysia, yg ada di sini gue liat cuman vcd tok... yg dvd uda diborong kali ya?
dari setiap detik Tokyo Drift yg gue nonton+special feature+deleted scene nya, gue liat sih yg gk real banget itu waktu neela ng-drift di gunung rame2 bareng mobil lainnya, ama yg balapan terakhir, mobil mustangnya ampe jalan di pinggiran aspal gue percaya kalo itu editan, tapi scene lainnya itu emang asli stuntman yg ng-drift dan mereka semua punya gelar di ajang drift. drifter red evo sean itu kalo gak salah juara D1GP
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Post by Takumi »

StRaDe_Jazz wrote:gue ampe nyari dvd asli tokyo drift di malaysia, yg ada di sini gue liat cuman vcd tok... yg dvd uda diborong kali ya?
dari setiap detik Tokyo Drift yg gue nonton+special feature+deleted scene nya, gue liat sih yg gk real banget itu waktu neela ng-drift di gunung rame2 bareng mobil lainnya, ama yg balapan terakhir, mobil mustangnya ampe jalan di pinggiran aspal gue percaya kalo itu editan, tapi scene lainnya itu emang asli stuntman yg ng-drift dan mereka semua punya gelar di ajang drift. drifter red evo sean itu kalo gak salah juara D1GP
haha bener yang di gunung rame2 malem itu mah keliatan banget boo'ng nya.., yang bener2 kenceng beneran pas si Sean di tranning sama si hans di gunung siang2.., di situ Evo 8 nya di setirin Bukan Juara D1 GP tapi "si Keiichi Tsuchiya ( dia muncul sebagai orang yg lagi mancing tuh ngomong "That's a drift?" ) dan dia jurinya D1 GP (soalnya simnya di cabut gara2 ketauan balap liar di gunung ) ,
trus abis itu banyakan di Hollywood buatnya, dan adegan drift2nya sih ternyata pelan cuman di kenceng2in , dan stuntnya sih Juara Forumla Drift Amerika..
yah lumayan lah ni film.. cuman koq kerenan Special features nya yah bagi gw..
dah ah koq jadi makin oot gini..
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Post by Takumi »

Btw gw ga sengaja nemuin nih cukup menarik:


The Devil Drift
By Sujartha K

14 February, 2007

Drift King Keiichi Tsuchiya talks about what's real and what's not is Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift. Tires make a short-lived dash for the stratosphere. A sign that another drift driver has plowed into the rubber tire buffers that fringe the Malaysian D1 Grand Prix track. Meters away from the resulting mess is Drift King Keiichi Tsuchiya, patiently answering questions from journalists. He never likes to be far away from the action, you see. Even if it means possibly being surprised by a wayward car making its way into the tent. Then again, compared to a press conference, I’m not too sure the car would be entirely unwelcome to Tsuchiya.

The drift-driving pioneer was in Shah Alam as the chief judge for Round 4 of the Malaysian D1 Grand Prix. Avid fans will know that Tsuchiya was the technical advisor for the movie The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift. You might have recognised him from his cameo in the flick: as an old fisherman by the pier who makes snide comments as Sean Boswell crashes into tires in his attempts to master drifting techniques. Tsuchiya also got behind the wheel in the movie – he choreographed the nerve-wracking cliff-side two-car tandem drift sequence with another skilled driver.

Right before he thrilled spectators and drivers alike with a drift demonstration, we got the daredevil drift master to answer some questions via an interpreter.

How involved were you in the movie The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift?
As technical adviser, I oversaw the driving techniques in the movie. I also performed a few of the stunts in the movie for the main character. I checked all the drift driving and suggested some of the locations for the movie.

Is Tokyo Drift your first film?
I was also technical advisor for the Initial D movies, which were about drifting as well. In the Initial D series, drifting scenes were done in low gear [1st and 2nd]. In Tokyo Drift, however, I suggested drifting be done at higher gears [3rd and 4th gear].

Can the scenes in the movie actually be done in real life?
No, it cannot happen. It’s only in the movies! Like some movies portray a driver drifting with a glass of water on a dashboard, and he’s not supposed to spill any of it … that’s only in the movies!

In the movie, the character Han used his drifting skills to impress women and get their digits. Ever done that before?
Yes, I’ve tried that method before! But unfortunately, it doesn’t work. Somehow, drifting skills does not impress women. They don’t find it attractive!

You’re known as the Drift King. What do you think of Drift Queens, then?
It’s cool to see women drifting, but there’s a difference between how men and women drift. Men tend to perform extreme drifts, while women don’t push it too far.

How would you describe your driving?
I try to keep my driving attractive. Whenever I go overseas, I use a different car so it’s about getting used to the car, and discovering its character.

Sean, the lead character in the Tokyo Drift, was drawn to danger. Do you think drift drivers need to have that element in their personality?
That doesn’t just apply to drifting. Every sport needs a personality like that. Someone a little bit crazy!
Why do you think drifting has exploded in popularity over the past few years?
The media exposure has helped drifting attain its level of popularity. Hopefully, more coverage can be given to the D1 Grand Prix to heighten its appeal. Drifting is exciting, because the results are there within 10 to 20 seconds, compared to other motor sports where you have to spend a lot of time before you get the results.

What is the level of drifting in Malaysia?
It’s still at a very low level, compared to the other countries where you can spot four or five good drivers. In Malaysia, I can say that Tengku Djan Ley is the only guy. He’s always thinking … I’ve been watching the practice sessions, and he’s the only one who’s thinking about tracing the line. For young racers who want to learn, it’s best to sit through the proper channels. I don’t approve underground racing because it’s a danger to people.

What would you say about a movie based on your life?
At this moment, my only passion is the D1 Grand Prix. Though if someone came up and make me an offer, I’d be open to it. What I’d actually like to do, is to produce a documentary about the D1 Grand Prix.
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Post by StRaDe_Jazz »

nice banget takumi
sip :)
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Post by DriFtHiNkiNg »

Yah... begitulah, seperti ap yg dikatakan Mr. Takumi-san, memang di jalan raya sangat berbahaya... DONT TRY THIS AT HOME... I MEAN PUBLIC ROAD...

tapi bagi aq ad seninya+adrenalin+nantang maut... bagi yang ga' mau mati muda siy mending jangan, WaKaKaKA... coz i'm little bit psycho...

Tapi beruntunglah bagi yang tinggal di surabaya, karena di belakang pakuwon bakal dibangun sirkuit drag+drift... dan bukan sekedar isu, rumor ato kabar burung lagi...
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Post by StRaDe_Jazz »

DriFtHiNkiNg wrote:Yah... begitulah, seperti ap yg dikatakan Mr. Takumi-san, memang di jalan raya sangat berbahaya... DONT TRY THIS AT HOME... I MEAN PUBLIC ROAD...

tapi bagi aq ad seninya+adrenalin+nantang maut... bagi yang ga' mau mati muda siy mending jangan, WaKaKaKA... coz i'm little bit psycho...

Tapi beruntunglah bagi yang tinggal di surabaya, karena di belakang pakuwon bakal dibangun sirkuit drag+drift... dan bukan sekedar isu, rumor ato kabar burung lagi...
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah............di jakarta or sekitarnya gak ada rencana bikin gituan yah? sentul mah gak cocok, ato ada SMers yang mo invest gak? hehe
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Post by Takumi »

DriFtHiNkiNg wrote: Tapi beruntunglah bagi yang tinggal di surabaya, karena di belakang pakuwon bakal dibangun sirkuit drag+drift... dan bukan sekedar isu, rumor ato kabar burung lagi...
wah gokil.. asik donk!..
bakalan banyak orang surabaya yang jago2 nih jadinya...
duh maen ke sono mah dah makan biaya cukup banyak duluan hiks..
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Post by StRaDe_Jazz »

(sori, gak penting banget :))
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Drifting for FF

Post by StRaDe_Jazz »

Ini nih tutorial Drifting FF yang gue dapet dari temen gue:

Drifting is often criticized for not being "the fast way of driving". But, if you are a drifter, you know that is not the intention. Drifting, is a style of driving. It is the perfect balance of car control. It takes great concentration, understanding, and reaction speed.

A common misconception of drifting, is that in order to be able to drift, you must have a very powerful rear wheel drive car. Although this can make drifting easier, it is not a requirement. Infact, if you can learn to drift an underpowered car, you will later be able to drift a more powerful car easier. In an underpowered car, you are forced to learn to drift using many different techniques.

Despite what a lot of people think, it is possible to drift a front wheel drive, or FF car. Although it is possible to do, it is not very efficient in long turns. The tendency of a FF car is to go straight, or recover from a drift by understeering. Understeer is when a car continues straight, despite turning the steering wheel. This is every drifters enemy. Since power is displaced through the front wheels, massive amounts of power make hardly any difference in these cars. As far as set up, a stiff suspension is optimal, with maximum front camber in the front, and minimal in the rear. Also, running a higher tire pressure in the rear will increase the tendency for the rear to break loose, or slide out. On street tires, I recommend 38-44 lbs. If you have very grippy "R" compound, or other high traction tires, and you wish to drift, I recommend putting stock or cheap hard tires in the rear, and the better grippy ones in the front. This imbalance will force the car to upset very easily. The driving technique for a front drive is very, very, different from a rear drive. Since these cars tendency is to understeer, a very forceful, and exaggerated technique is required. In FF cars, the more than 75% of the cars weight is in the front, so getting the rear out is not too difficult, instead keeping it out is. There are three standard forms of getting a FF to initiate a drift. The first is E-braking. I only recommend this to people with hand brakes, and not foot pedal parking brakes. Some worry pulling this lever will damage their car, but the only problem I’ve ever encountered with this technique is stretching the parking brake cable, which can be easily adjusted. To initiate an e brake drift, you must be moving at least 25mph. I recommend second gear drifts, as most FF cars are high revving four cylinders, and have the most power in this range. I recommend 90 and 180 degree turns for practice, where there are no curbs or embankments to possibly hit. The key is to pull the e-brake quickly, keeping your thumb on the release button. You want to accelerate in a straight line, keep your left hand at 10 o clock on the steering wheel, and your right hand on the e brake. Turn the steering wheel FIRST and yank the e brake up immediately after turn in. Once the car begins to slide, release the e brake. This should be very quick, maybe one and a half seconds for all of the above steps. Once you release the e brake, you should grab the steering wheel with BOTH hands, and accelerate. You will probably have to counter steer. Counter steering is when you have to steer the car away from the direction of the drift to direct where you want the car to go next. For example, you may be drifting left, but steering towards the right. The key here is not to be clumsy. Practice winding your wheel without hitting your wrists together, or crossing your arms. Its difficult to do and not have your hands get misplaced. You have to teach yourself to anticipate counter steering. The next technique is trail braking. This technique requires much more speed, skill, and courage. The basic idea of trail braking is similar to the e brake technique, but not as abrupt. Trail braking, is breaking the balance of the car to become loose in the rear by braking hard. The hard braking forces the weight to transfer to the front of the car, making the rear light, and easy to rotate. I recommend trying this at a high speed auto cross or tracks with a lot of run off. This usually takes a great deal of speed, as you must brake very hard but still have a lot of speed to carry through your turn. I like using third gear, braking hard and consistent, slightly turning the wheel, causing the car to begin to rotate. The tendency of the car is to want to counter rotate so practice this technique with great caution and anticipation.

The final technique is my personal favorite, weight transfer. Trail braking is an example of weight transfer, but there are even more drastic and effective ways of using weight to change the direction of momentum in a car. A pendulum turn, or "scandanavian flick" is used often by rally drivers. In order to get the car to turn the direction desired, they first turn the car the opposite way in advance to the corner. The logic in this is that when a car is broken loose and begins to spin, but is less than 90 degrees to its direction of travel, the car wants to spin back the opposite direction to try and correct its spin. Drivers use this to their advantage to keep the car sliding the direction they want it to instead of understeering. This same method can be used in front drives. Since they tend to understeer, this method is extremely effective in the front heavy front wheel drives. Also, in addition to forcing the weight to push the rear of the car out, the weight will be pushed towards the front of the car which are the drive tires. So, if the car begins to slide too much, you can simply accellerate, and the car will pull itself out of the slide. The most import thing about drifting a front drive car is if you are uncomfortable with the slide, or if you begin to panic, DONT hit the brakes! When in doubt, use the gas! Using the gas will cause the front wheels to pull the front of the car straight and back in control. Remember, this does NOT apply to rear wheel drives.


Kelanjutannya masih ada, tapi sisanya itu tutorial buat FR sih...
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Hmmm... nice post, thanx bro...
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Pull Drift

Post by StRaDe_Jazz »

Ini gue ada satu teknik drift kombinasi buat FF:
1. jalan dengan kecepatan yang cukup tinggi untuk weight transfer (minimal 90)
2. injak kopling cukup jauh sebelum corner point (mobil akan meluncur, biarkan saja)
3. shift down, bisa satu atau dua (usahakan agar cukup buat engine brake nantinya) tetep injak kopling
4. ikuti urutan berikut sesegera mungkin sesudah shift down: rem dengan keras, putar kemudi, tarik handbrake, countersteer
5. saat terbaik untuk melepas kopling adalah sesaat sebelum mobil kehilangan grip dan mo balik ke state normal (dengan begitu engine brake akan menambah oversteer)
6. pertahankan laju mobil dengan sedikit memainkan gas
7. drift sukses kalau dilakukan dengan timing yang tepat dan settingan yang tepat

jangan lupa juga berdoa n safety first, latihan di tempat kosong loh... ini teknik hasil pemikiran gue n sampai sekarang BELUM pernah gue coba sendiri, berhubung tempat dan waktu. rencananya besok malem mo nyoba. namanya Pull Drift heheheh :e-dance:
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Post by Enkei »

DriFtHiNkiNg wrote: Tapi beruntunglah bagi yang tinggal di surabaya, karena di belakang pakuwon bakal dibangun sirkuit drag+drift... dan bukan sekedar isu, rumor ato kabar burung lagi...
Pakuwon dimana itu ya? Pakuwon perumahan ato pakuwon supermall? bisa diberitahukan lokasinya ngga Om DriFtHiNkiNg ? karena saya juga mau nyurvei ? klo misale sudah jadi, ajarin saya ya disana utk ngedrift... Thanks bgt lo Om... :D
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Post by DriFtHiNkiNg »

di belakang pakumon euy... tau jalan yang belok ke kanan sebelum pakuwon khan? bukan yang pintu masuk tapi... na tu ntar sebelah kiri jalan ada tanah kosong gede banget, tapi masi ditutup... masi dalam penggarapan... met survei euy...

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Sirkuit Drift n drag belakang pakuwon

Post by Enkei »

Keliatane pernah tau om. kemarin sih udah tak survey.. Makasih ya om. Ntik coba tak survey lagi... :D :D