Hybrid car safety risks

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Hybrid car safety risks

Post by Sithlord »


Tucson Region
Rescuers training for electrical risks linked to hybrids

By Ken Sweet
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 05.27.2006

The electricity flowing through the growing number of hybrid vehicles on the road poses a danger for rescue workers in crashes when one these new vehicles gets into an accident, officials said.

Hybrid cars and the large batteries within them could cause firefighters and rescue workers to be electrocuted when they are pulling passengers out of a car, officials with local fire departments said.

In reaction to the growing number of hybrid vehicles on the market, officials at both the Northwest Fire/Rescue District and Tucson Fire Department are urging hybrid drivers to tell firefighters if they drive a hybrid, because firefighters may not be able to immediately tell at a crash scene.

"As hybrid cars become more prevalent, they become more of a moderate concern for rescue workers," said Capt. Adam Goldberg with the Northwest Fire/Rescue District. "The more we see of these cars, the more the risk is going up."

The danger lies in the hybrid cars' electrical system, where the electrical lines can be charged with a minimum of 144 volts and 100 amps — enough to potentially kill any adult. The batteries are also often not in the same spot as the traditional 12-volt batteries in gasoline-fueled cars.
When hybrid cars first came on the market, they were distinctively designed.

However, the most modern vehicle models now look exactly like their gasoline counterparts. Honda recently released a Civic hybrid model and Ford also makes a sport utility vehicle hybrid model.
With no major distinctions on the outside of a car between a hybrid or gasoline-fed engine, rescue workers have to look under the hood before using the Jaws of Life, Goldberg said.

Both the Tucson Fire Department and the Northwest Fire/Rescue District in 2004 underwent training to avoid a potentially fatal accident.
"All our new recruits undergo training on the new vehicles," said Capt. Paul McDonough with the Tucson Fire Department.
Firefighters with the Northwest Fire District and Tucson Fire Department are also undergoing training to deal with upcoming new safety features and hybrid models that will come out in 2007 or 2008, officials said.

Firefighters also trained to deal with the newest safety features that auto manufacturers brought on the road. Features such as side-curtain airbags could prove fatal to first responders even with the electricity disconnected, McDonough said.
To help firefighters, dealerships in the area provided vehicles for the departments to work with, and the major auto manufacturers also provided safety training to firefighters on what to do if a hybrid car is in an accident, Goldberg said.

"The local manufacturers have been very supportive," Goldberg said.
Officials with both fire departments urged Good Samaritans or community rescue workers to be aware that newer cars could be potentially dangerous with either electricity or airbags.
"They really all need to take a deep breath and attempt to recognize the hazards with a wrecked car," Goldberg said.

McDonough added that all owners of hybrid vehicles should consult their owner's manual to see if it's best to get out of their cars or stay inside in the event of an accident. There is also no danger in touching the outside of a hybrid car because the batteries are not grounded to the frame.
● Contact reporter Ken Sweet at 629-9412 or [email protected]

Ini Amrik yang teliti. Di Indonesia, apakah petugas Jasa Marga dan dinas kebakaran mau di latih ?

Dan musim banjir ? Sudah bukan cuman risiko mobil mogok, tapi penumpangnya bisa risiko di strum mati !

Thats why jangan bilang hybrid cocok untuk semua orang. Apalagi di Indo, humidity tinggi, usia battery lebih pendek, plus urusan banjir ngak selesai selesai. Anyone who buy a 400+ hybrid in Indonesia don't know what they are doing !

Jika ada pemilik IU yang baca post ini, jangan sebal. Justru pakailah info ini untuk hentikan penjualan hybrid sementara. Kecuali kondisi Indo sudah memadai dan SBY setujuh kasih incentive pajak yang tinggi.

Kalau ngak, lu masukin banyak Prius, ngak ada yang beli, anda rugi sendiri, sudah train technician, invest alat mahal dan canggih untuk after sales Prius, dan ngak ada customer yang datang. Bukan untung tapi buntung ! Take my advice friend !

apalagi 1 biji hybrid di Indo ikat uang modal lu 400+ juta. Ngak terjual 1 tahun lu sudah rugi berapa duit ? Apalagi kalau stock lu 10 unit. Itu 4 milliar man ! Satu bulan rugi bunga berapa duit ?

Belom nanti yang beli anak pejabat, terus mobilnya rewel, dan teknisi lu masih belum cukup pengalaman tanganin. Mau terima ngomel ngomel anak pejabat terus ? Pusing kan nanti ?
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Post by Sithlord »

Nah, article ini bilang suruh korban kecelakaan hybrid teriak " Mobilku hybrid ! " ke petugas SOS.

Nah, kalau korbannya pingsan gimana ?

Coba bayangkan satu hari si conan kecelakaan di tol. Dia pingsan di hybridnya. Terus petugas Jasa Marga mau tolong dia, eh ngak tau mobilnya hybrid. Ke setrum matu ! Siapa yang mau ganti rugi dan kompensasi anggota keluarganya nanti ? Jangan jangan harus piara anggota keluarga petugas yang mati itu seumur hidup.

But never mind though. conan is a rich guy. Dia ngak usah pikir panjang lebar kok. Asal mau selamatkan minyak bumi dunia dan mau piara 3 korban mati orang Jasa Marga juga sanggup. Iya gak ?
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Post by conan »

Sithlord wrote:Nah, article ini bilang suruh korban kecelakaan hybrid teriak " Mobilku hybrid ! " ke petugas SOS.

Nah, kalau korbannya pingsan gimana ?

Coba bayangkan satu hari si conan kecelakaan di tol. Dia pingsan di hybridnya. Terus petugas Jasa Marga mau tolong dia, eh ngak tau mobilnya hybrid. Ke setrum matu ! Siapa yang mau ganti rugi dan kompensasi anggota keluarganya nanti ? Jangan jangan harus piara anggota keluarga petugas yang mati itu seumur hidup.

But never mind though. conan is a rich guy. Dia ngak usah pikir panjang lebar kok. Asal mau selamatkan minyak bumi dunia dan mau piara 3 korban mati orang Jasa Marga juga sanggup. Iya gak ?
Moderators, kalau yang satu ini jelas2 menyerang secara personal, bukan? :e-naughty: :e-naughty: :e-naughty:
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Post by ruthndul »

teng teng...... ronde wedang jahe....
ronde ala turki....
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Post by Turboman »

ronde wedang jahe "ting ting ting"........"teng teng teng" martabak telor......."tek tek tek" bakmi tek tek.........."dok dok dok" tukang nasi goreng........."klining klining klining" tukang es shanghai..........

*ga nyambung* :P