Toyota dituding langgar hak paten

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Toyota dituding langgar hak paten

Post by szli »

Saw this new news in The picture is still not very clear, soalnya detailnya belum ada. Tapi jika Toyota gagal buktikan bahwa mereka tidak bersalah, ini bisa jadi kasus heboh ! It could mean the smart guys behind the hybrid technology is not Toyota, but Russians ! Possibly past scientists from the cold war era yang sudah biasa bikin senjata kuat ! :


Toyota dituding langgar hak paten

(21/09/2005) - Toyota Motor Corp. bakal diajukan ke pengadilan dengan tuduhan melanggar hak paten yang berkaitan dengan sistem hybrid bensin-listrik yang digunakan pada Prius dan Lexus RX400h, Selasa (20/9).

Antonov Automotive Technology BV (AAT) mengatakan, pihaknya mengajukan gugatan pelanggaran hak paten terhadap Toyota setelah berbulan-bulan negoisasi tanpa hasil memuaskan. AAT menuntut 'fair payment' untuk penggunaan hak kekayaan intelektual pada setiap mobil yang terjual hingga saat ini dan semua model masa depan.

Bila tuntutan itu dikabulkan, ini dapat menambah beban Toyota berkaitan dengan dua hybrid itu dan menambah tekanan baru pada kedua model yang harganya sudah tinggi. Di Inggris, harga Toyota Prius sekarang £17,545, dan Lexus RX400h adalah £39,535.

Toyota juga sudah mengajukan gugatan balik terhadap AAT namun menolak menjelaskan lebih jauh. Kasus ini akan digelar di Jerman dan diperkirakan akan tuntas dalam 12 bulan ke depan.

Mr. Conan, U have been a very good detective in uncovering the details of hybrid technology. Now perhaps U can help us slowly uncover what actually happened behind this lawsuit. Is it Antonov's attempt to make money ? Or is it really Toyota getting cute ?

Jika company yang sue Toyota kecil, mungkin cuman mau duit. Tapi setau saya nama Antonov juga ngak kecil. Kalau ngak salah, jangan jangan companynya ada hubungan dengan Russian company yang bikin pesawat macam Antonov Transport planes and bombers for the old USSR.

For the English version, here is one source :

Toyota Infringement of Antonov Hybrid Technology Patents Alleged

ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, Sept. 19, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- An infringement action has been filed against Toyota by Antonov Automotive Technology BV (a wholly owned subsidiary of Antonov plc (LSE: ATV.L Advertisement

- news) ), the automotive technology company, at the Patent Court in Dusseldorf alleging infringement of its patents by the driveline of the Toyota Prius and Lexus RX400h. The case will receive its first hearing on the 22nd September 2005. The action was originally filed on the 12th April 2005, but the first hearing date was postponed to allow more time for negotiations to seek a satisfactory settlement. As the offer received is not satisfactory, no settlement has been reached and Antonov will proceed with the case.

Through the case Antonov aims to establish the infringement and seek fair payment for the use of Antonov's intellectual property in all relevant vehicles sold to date and for those that will be sold through to the expiry of the patents.Antonov CEO, John Moore commented, "Whilst we would have preferred to reach a mutually acceptable outcome with Toyota without recourse to the courts, I am confident in the strength of our case. The strategy of pursuing the initial case in Germany ensures we can obtain a binding legal opinion at a cost that does not impact on our ability to pursue our other strategic goals."

The case relates to Antonov patent EP 0414782 and the action has been taken after a process of careful consultation with patent specialists and advisors. The Company has received specialist advice from both legal and automotive industry experts and the action has been taken in Germany as the German legal system provides a relatively rapid and cost effective route to a legally binding decision. Antonov expects the Dusseldorf court to reach a conclusion within 12 months from the first hearing.

As is normal in these cases, Toyota has filed a counter action challenging the validity of the Antonov patent in the Munich Patent Court. The first hearing date for this action has yet to be set.

The case has been kept confidential to protect the negotiations on a settlement with Toyota, but these negotiations have not progressed to our satisfaction. As a consequence of the decision made today to proceed with the German litigation, Antonov must now make public the case.
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Post by szli »

Oops. I forgot to use my new name ! SM admin, tolong dong kasih tau gimana transfer credit saya dan hilangkan id saya yang dulu.
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Post by handling »

ha..a.ha.h..ha.h.h..yang namanya jodoh dgn julukan 'szli' mau dibilang apalagi......biar mau keluar merk 2tang, ades, vit, aquaria....orang tetap sebut Aqua.....sebagai pelopornya.....padahal gak ada yang maksa harus sebut aqua.....

sama juga dgn szli.....mau diganti namanya jadi richard gere, delon atau tom cruise.....gua tahunya ya tetep szli.....bwakk.k..a.k.a...a..a....sory bos szli just kidding kok......
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Post by conan »

szli wrote:Saw this new news in
Should have been 'on', oh Darl Lord, not 'in', as is a page, and you say on a page, not in a page.. :mrgreen:
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Post by DigitALL »

Wah bakal seru nih. Tp si Antonov dari Russia itu harus punya bukti yang kuat utk menggugat Toyota. Tp koq ketauannya baru sekarang ya ? Setau gw sih Toyota Prius udah diluncurkan beberapa tahun yang lalu ...