Kecepatan dan Ketepatan Proses Produksi Kijang Innova

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Post by Sithlord »

Here is another article : ... 24139.html

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

The car quality guru America turned away

In simple terms, Iowa-born W. Edwards Deming made Japan's auto industry into what it is today


They never truly understood W. Edwards Deming until it was too late.

They never understood the genius in his philosophy and ideas.

The business world never understood that the 14 simple principles of one man could help build an empire.

Japan believed. Japan prospered.

Looking for the reason why American auto companies benchmark the Japanese?

Look to the American they once turned away.

In simple terms, Iowa-born W. Edwards Deming made Japan's auto industry into what it is today.

Never has one man meant so much to one nation in one of the world's most dominant industries. Deming built a paradigm and a set of principles that the Japanese followed to the letter, helping to reshape an automotive landscape and change a culture.

Much of the credit for Japan's flight to automotive quality and the making of its world-class reputation should go to Deming's work as a quality guru.

In retrospect, Deming is considered the father of modern-day, flexible, lean production systems.

Not that he didn't try it on his own continent first.

In the late 1930s, Deming, a professor of statistics at New York University, developed the so-called "statistical process control," a philosophy that would revolutionize car production using statistics as a tool to achieve better quality control.

Essentially, his idea was to record the number of product defects, analyze why they happened, institute changes and then record how much quality improved. The essence was refining the process until it was done right.

But Deming was misunderstood in America. Considered too much of an educator to help the top-down management style in Detroit, the U.S. auto companies weren't interested in his theories on worker relations and better efficiency.

The rejection led Deming to travel to Japan after World War II where the emerging auto industry accepted and implemented his ideas.

After agreeing to host a quality seminar in Japan in 1950, Deming never looked back. He continued to accept invitations by Japan's new automotive sector and, over the years, Deming encouraged Japanese auto companies to concentrate on constant improvements, better efficiency and the idea that if you had to do it once, do it right. In the process, he strengthened the world's economy by improving the Japanese industry.

It was an interesting American tale.

Born Oct. 14, 1900, in a small Iowa town, Deming attended the University of Wyoming and worked as a janitor to pay for his education. He graduated in 1921 and went on to the University of Colorado, where he received a master's degree in physics and mathematics which led to a doctorate in physics from Yale University.

From physics, he gravitated toward statistics and was hired by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1940 about the time the bureau shifted its procedure from a complete count to a sampling method. It was then that he began working with large industrial companies.

Deming saw a different way for auto businesses to operate. He saw the "assembly-line" mentality of low-income workers being forced into repetitive jobs, while the rich few controlled things from above, as a mentality of the past.

"People are entitled to self-esteem," he once said. "Our system crushes it out."

Deming taught the Japanese the essence of teamwork and, in turn, developed the principles of quality control.

Japan was receptive to Deming at a time when America was not, in part because Deming's ideas dovetailed with so many of Japan's own traditions. Japan had long held that hard work and quality craftsmanship were important virtues. Deming thought that companies must treat workers as associates, not hired hands, and he blamed management if workers were not motivated to work well.

On the automotive side, he encouraged ending the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tags. Instead, he believed it was important to minimize cost. That meant finding a single supplier for a washer nozzle, for example, and building a long-term relationship with that supplier.

All of it worked.

As American products suffered through the 1970s with quality issues, Japan began to emerge as a legitimate contender. By the 1980s, that process was in full effect.

Honda and Toyota were the quality leaders and the sales results showed.

Coincidentally, around the same time, American and European manufacturers were asking for his help.

At General Motors, Deming helped the company switch from a ratings system for employees to a system of coaching and mutual support. At Ford, Deming helped out on supplier relations and issues of poor quality.

They needed him. The industry needed the adjustment.

Today, a decade after his death at age 93, Deming has a philosophy of control named after him: Demingism. And the Deming Prize is awarded to the Japanese company that shows the best example of product quality.

And no place embraces Deming the way the Japanese still do.

"I'm very impressed with the way the Japanese admire (Deming)," said Gregory Clark, president of Japan's Tama University. "They keep on talking about him as if he's a god."
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Post by Sithlord »

How about Nissan ? Well, orang orang Nissan was of course also a former student of Deming. Malah bisa saja engineers / managers dari Nissan, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki etc. semua ada di classroom yang sama dengar Deming ajar.

And here is the list of some past former Deming prize quality award winners.

Note that Nissan's plants in Japan won some awards.

Tapi saya akui Toyota mutunya memang juga sama bagusnya kok. Toh mereka juga menang berapa kali Deming prize :

Cuman kok di Indonesia belakangan agak rewel. Takutnya Toyota dalam hal technology transfer agak pelit. Jadi ilmu TMMIN (pabrik Toyota Indonesia) ngak sepintar Toyota Japan karena ngak di ajarin semua ilmunya.

Till today my c24 have ZERO mechanical problems, just like my Honda Stream. My Mitsubishi Galant dulu juga ngak pernah masalah.

Made in Japan components memang hebat ! All my 3 former Japanese cars, even though non-Toyota, are obviously majority Japanese made components. No wonder all lasted very long !
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Post by conan »

Mau tahu sesuatu yang menarik?

Corolla generasi2 awal sangat terkenal reliability-nya, aku sendiri pernah punya sebuah Corolla tahun 1974, very reliable indeed. Ada yang tahu mengapa?

Dulu, Toyota membuat mobil seperti Corolla dengan sebaik mungkin, tapi mereka lalu menyadari kenyataan bahwa karena terlalu reliable-nya mobil2 mereka, dalam waktu 10 tahun pun sama sekali tidak perlu diganti baru dan bisa bertahan sampai puluhan tahun kemudian.
Akibatnya, mereka bahkan tidak bisa menjual model baru setiap 5 tahun karena hal ini.
Dan karena komponen yang digunakan juga bisa bertahan sangat lama, mereka juga tidak bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari maintenance/menjual spare parts.

Oleh karena itu mereka memutuskan untuk mengurangi reliability mobil2 mereka dan mengaturnya agar cukup reliable untuk konsumen tapi juga tidak terlalu reliable sehingga berpotensi merugikan mereka sendiri. Hal ini berlaku sampai sekarang.

Tidak percaya? Di Jkt sudah jarang, tapi di kota2 lain masih banyak Corolla2 tahun generasi pertama sampai ketiga di jalanan (buatan 1970an), bahkan banyak dipakai kursus mengemudi (= jam terbang tinggi).

They're THAT reliable.

Incredible, eh? ;)
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Post by conan »

And for everyone's information, according to the Wall Street Journal, Toyota's market value is currently at 85 BILLION POUNDS or more than 145 BILLION DOLLARS, and rising.
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Post by Sithlord »

Yeah ! Takutnya Toyota di Indonesia (ngak tau yang di luar negeri) makin seperti AirConditioners today !

Banyak orang bilang AC jaman dulu kuat, tahan banting. Malah AC jaman sekarang lebih cepat rusak, bocor, rewel.

Kalau U bilang mobil Toyota jaman dulu awet banget, saya percaya !

Tapi kalau bilang Toyota cars yang di CKD di sini bisa seawet Corolla itu, maybe, or maybe not ! Just read the increasing number of complaints !

And also Mercy juga sama. I have relatives who claim Mercy dia sudah 20 tahun tapi tetap awet.

But Mercy jaman sekarang ? Belum tentu seawet dulu.

Juga lihat bangunan kuno bekas jaman Belanda yang di kota. Hebat ! Sudah ratusan tahun masih kokoh !

Malah gedung baru ada yang sudah retak, rudak cuman dalam berapa tahun !

Maybe we should all start to buy old cars ?
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Post by aidan »

Thank you Sithlord..!

Wah saya baru tau mengenai Mr. Demming dari anda.. sepertinya bukunya layak dibaca seperti halnya buku Tom Peter atau bukunya Michael Hammer..

... ada rekomendasi yang bagus buku mengenai dia apa..? Yang dari posting anda --> "Dr. Deming, the American who taught the Japanese about quality" apakah rekomend..?
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Post by Sithlord »

Saya senang anda juga tertarik ! Malah Deming lebih layak di pelajari di Indonesia dari Tom Peters or whoever !

Soalnya saya lihat banyak company di sini seperti America saat dia susah lawan Jepang. Managementnya terlalu Top-Down ! Artinya bossnya terlalu bossy, sombong, hanggap worker sebagai macam budak ! Pantes labour relation di Indonesia kurang harmonis ! Juga terlalu money minded boss boss di sini.

Justru Deming ingginnya management hanggap worker / employee itu sebagai partner, business associate. Harus sering communikasi, saling bantu, jangan mentang mentang boss selalu teriak teriak !

Pokoknya seru deh baca tentang dia ! Saya yakin jika makin banyak company, bahkan pemerintah pakai idea dia, Indonesia akan lebih maju !

Misalnya contohnya banyak company resing hobby kasih karyawan target seperti ke customer service " Harus service berapa nasabah per hari, something like that. " Menurut Deming, itu salah besar ! Kan beda customer kebutuhaan, problemnya beda. Mana mungkin bisa di samakan waktu untuk layaninya ?

Dan jika customer service demi uber target, buru buru, mana mungkin bisa service customer dengan puas ? Kadang kasus tertentu harus butuh berapa jam baru bisa tuntas servicenya.

That is why Deming ngak gitu suka quota, target yang mutlak. Paling penting mutu service dan jaminan ke customer. Jika tiap hari jumlah servicenya lebih dikit, tapi lebih bermutu, akan lebih baik. Something like that lah pikiran dia.

Istilah dia lebih pentingkan mutunya dari pada quantitasnya. Soalnya sering dengar company di Indonesia juga pentingkan quantitasnya saja.

Dia juga ngak suka annual appraisal system yang tiap tahun atasan kasih angka, score, opini tentang orang bawahnya. Menurut dia, system ini bikin suasana di company banyak " cium pantat boss ", dan bikin office politics jadi parah, kerja sama antar karyawan / department jadi susah, dan sering ciptakan suasanya ketakutan. Its everyman for himself ! Jadi serakah ! Kalau system ini di hilangkan, dan di ganti proper leadership, artinya macam atasannya lebih mirip soccer team coach yang mentor, guide karyawannya dengan sabar dan bijak, pasti teamwork lebih bagus !

Dengan system annual appraisal, pasti demi naik pangkat, ada karyawan yang saling jelekin, menjatuhkan rekannya demi dapat appraisal yang lebih OK. Kalau teamwork kurang bagus, gimana mau hadapin competitor yang ganas ?

Dulu katanya di Jepang tidak ada macam annual appraisal system. Sekarang ngak tauh deh.

Masih banyak deh ! Banca Sendiri saja.

Out of the Crisis di tulis Deming sendiri. Buku yang saya quote itu di tulis muridnya - Rafael Aguayo.

Anda juga bisa ke

Di sini banyak cerita tentang dia, dan buku buku dia. Memang idea dia ada yang controversial, tapi menurut saya, makes sense !
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Post by Sithlord »

Also jangan lupa search di atau di google. Pasti anda dapat banyak judul buku tentang dia di internet !

Kalau saya bilang, mending anda beli dari internet. Saya hampir tidak pernah lihat buku tentang dia di toko buku di Indonesia.
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Post by hdrw »

Hampir 1 tahun, saya punya Innova juga zero problem.

Bung Ween, itu mesin 2TR maksudnya yang 2700cc yah ?
Kalau gitu mesin Innova 2.7 dan Fortuner 2.7 dibikinnya di indo juga ?
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Post by ween »

hdrw wrote:Hampir 1 tahun, saya punya Innova juga zero problem.

Bung Ween, itu mesin 2TR maksudnya yang 2700cc yah ?
Kalau gitu mesin Innova 2.7 dan Fortuner 2.7 dibikinnya di indo juga ?
setau saya waktu magang di sana iya......d sunter produksi mesin 1tr(2000cc) & 2tr(2700cc)
& mesin dieselnya (2kd, 2500cc) di impor dari thai
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Post by Sithlord »

Bung Hdrw, dengar di bengkel Toyota saat service masa garansi, olinya gratis, merek Toyota sendiri. SAEnya berapa yah ? 10W50, 10W40, atau 5W50 etc. ? Penasaran. Soalnya itu Indomobil kasihnya kental ! 15 or 20W50 ! Kagak saya mau !

Beli sendiri saya, 5W40 ! Kan buntut 50 terlalu kental untuk mobil baru ! Memang lebih murah, dan memang ngak masalah di pakai, tapi demi mobil kita, why not ganti sendiri ke oli yang lain ?

Apalagi jaman BBM sekarang ! Isi full tank 2 kali saja sudah bisa beli 4 liter oli full synthetis yang paling mahal ! Hampir 500,000 rp kan ? Jadi jaman sekarang, I think we should all buy the best oli we can afford ! Jika bikin 10% lebih irit saja cepat balik modalnya ! Dan mesin akan lebih happy !

By the way, anda sudah uji Pertamax ? Uji Shell ? Right now meskipun masih 1.5 quarters tank, tapi sejak saya benerin tekanan anggin ban c24 saya, it appears that konsumsinya Shell itu akan lebih baik dari Pertamax ! Jarumnya lebih pelan turunnya.
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Post by hdrw »

Thanks bung ween.

@ sithlord : Oli TGMO 15/50, tapi saya pakai Shell 10/40 + premium.
Menurut teman2 saya yang sudah pakai TGMO di innovanya, katanya sih gak ada masalah.
Dapat Info dari milis tetangga, kabarnya oli TGMO diproduksi oleh produsen oli kelas dunia EXXON MOBIL (produsen oli merk ESSO dan MOBIL 1)
Bung sithlord, Esso ini oli bagus, waktu tahun 90-an jadi oli resmi Mercedes Benz di Dipo-pluit (dan semua bengkel resmi MB), tapi sekarang sudah ganti MOBIL1.

Info ttg TGMO bisa dilihat di: ... oyota.html

Isinya (rada panjang)

Die Toyota Motor Corporation und ExxonMobil arbeiten enger zusammen. In einem Kooperationsvertrag beschlossen beide Unternehmen, sich beim Verkauf von Schmierstoffen gegenseitig zu unterstützen. Dabei geht es sowohl um die Marke Toyota Genuine Motor Oil (TGMO), die von ExxonMobil hergestellt wird, als auch um Esso Produkte.

Weltweit werden die ExxonMobil Produkte als Ergänzung zum TGMO-Programm in die Regale der Toyota-Autohäuser kommen. Dabei soll die Marke Esso im Vordergrund stehen. Das Marketing verantwortet Toyota, während sich ExxonMobil auf den Produktsupport konzentriert. Als Starthilfe haben ExxonMobil und Toyota ein Präsentationspaket entwickelt, das den Händlern bei der Umsetzung helfen soll.

Diese Kooperation setzt die lange Zusammenarbeit zwischen beiden Unternehmen in Handel, Motorsport und Forschung fort. Ein Teil des Kooperationsvertrages beinhaltet das Sponsoring in der Formel 1.

terjemahannya kira-kira (ini kata temen)
Toyota Motor Corporation dan Exxon Mobil bekerja sama lebih erat. Di dalam sebuah surat perjanjian kerja sama kedua perusahaan tsb memutuskan untuk saling mendukung dalam penjualan minyak pelumas. Hal ini menyangkut merek Toyota Genuine Motor Oil (TGMO) yg diproduksi oleh Exxon Mobil dan juga produk2 Esso

DI seluruh dunia produk2 ExxonMobil akan menjadi suplemen TGMO di rak2 penjualan Dealer Toyota. Namun demikian merek ESSO akan tetap menjadi pemain utama. Toyota bertg jwb thd marketing, sedangkan ExxonMobil menangani support produk. Dalam tahap awal ini ExxonMobil dan Toyota telah mengembangkan paket presentasi yang diharapkan mampu memberikan kemudahan kepada pada pedagang untuk mengimplementasikan program tsb.

Program kerja sama ini merupakan kelanjutan dari program kerja sama yang telah berjalan sekian lama antara dua perusahaan di bidang perdagangan, motorsport dan riset. Salah satu isi surat perjanjian tsb adalah sponsoring formula 1.
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Post by Sithlord »

Ya saya juga suka mobil1. Dan ternyata Toyota juga kasih 15/50. Memang pasti no problem, tapi for true car lovers, ya jangan pakai oli kental ! Masih baru kok mesinnya !

50 I think lebih cocok untuk mobil tua, atau mesin lebih simple seperti mesin kapsul, Terrano, Kuda etc. Honda sendiri malah bilang untuk mesin modern macam V-TEC perlu oli lebih encer macam 10w40. And this time I agree with HPM 100% !

So far I pakai 5w40 di c24 ama Stream no problem ! So jangan takut olinya " bocor " soalnya encer. Its OK ! Tapi jangan turun lagi ke 5w30 ! Itu baru terlalu encer, dan mahal lagi !