Konsumsi VS jenis VS driving style

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Konsumsi VS jenis VS driving style

Post by wrx »

mohon keterangan nih:
kalo cara nyetir & rute yg sama
apakah akan ada perbedaan bila menggunakan jenis BBM yg berbeda? ( premium vs pertamax vs plus)

saya menanyakan ini karena banyak baca disini yg bilang lebih irit pake pertamax / plus dibanding pake premium.
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Re: Konsumsi VS jenis VS driving style

Post by mklasse »

IMHO, Penggunaan Premium vs Pertamax vs Plus, tergantung mesin mobilnya minta octane berapa bro..
Kalo mesin mobilnya dari pabrikan cuma minta Premium, Gw rasa sih ga akan ada peningkatan dalam performa dan pengiritan BBM kalau diisi ama Pertamax/Plus.
Kecuali kalo dari pabrikan diminta pake Pertamax/Plus, tp kita isi Premium, maka tenaga mesin akan berkurang dan konsumsi BBM akan meningkat. Malah kalau terlalu rendah penurunannya (misal minta Octane 95 (plus) tp cuma dikasih 88 (premium), bisa terjadi gejala knocking pada mesin, yg pada akhirnya dapat merusak mesin.

Walaupun ada beberapa pengecualian jg untuk mobil2 yg sudah berkilometer tinggi...

Quote dari Wikipedia :
"... The power output of an engine depends on the energy content of its fuel, and this bears no simple relationship to the octane rating. A common understanding that may apply in only limited circumstances amongst petrol consumers is that adding a higher octane fuel to a vehicle's engine will increase its performance and/or lessen its fuel consumption; this may be false under most conditions — while engines perform best when using fuel with the octane rating for which they were designed and any increase in performance by using a fuel with a different octane rating is minimal or even imaginary, unless there are carbon hotspots, fuel injector clogging or other conditions that may cause a lean situation that can cause knocking that are more common in high mileage vehicles, which would cause modern cars to retard timing thus leading to a loss of both responsiveness and fuel economy